BSIS PSO Continuing Education Requirements
Now that you’ve become a registered PSO, your security education has only just begun. The BSIS requires that you take a continuing education (refresher) course each year.
The PSO annual training requirements are changing on October 1, 2023 (or possibly January 1, 2024) due to law changes that align the PSO annual refresher course syllabus to be the same as that for security guards.
CE Requirement Prior to October 1, 2023
A minimum of 2 hours of additional security training courses every year. You can take more hours if you want in a year, but you can’t count the extra hours to meet the following year’s requirements.
- You can repeat parts of the PSO initial training if you or your employer think you need to because you’re deficient in these skills or capabilities.
- Your continuing education courses can be provided by your employer, if licensed as a Training Provider, or by an independent, licensed Training Provider. The BSIS licenses the training providers.
- Annual training can be any security related course.
- You need to get a course completion certificate from the Training Provider as provided by Title 16, California Code of Regulations, Section 645(b).
CE Requirement After October 1, 2023
- A minimum of two (2) hours of review of the appropriate use of force topics
- The remaining hours must be from the Mandatory and Elective courses for security guards
These amendments are necessary because BPC section 7583.7 requires private security professionals receive training on appropriate use of force topics. Appropriate use of force topics from BPC section 7583.7(a)(10), are perishable skills which need routine refreshing. As such, the BSIS will require all continuing education training to include a review of the appropriate use of force topics.
CA State Law Requiring PSO Continuing Education
The California Business and Professions Code Sections 7574.5 and 7574.7 mandate the additional 2 hours of continuing education classes each year to maintain your PSO Registration. This code also mandates who can provide the PSO continuing education courses.
What should You Read Next?
- If you want to find out how to get your PSO continuing education online, read Take Online Courses.
- If you want find out how take go take a proprietary private security officer continuing education course on-site at a PSO Training Provider, read Attend Classroom Courses.
- If you want to know how renew your PSO registration, read How to Update / Renew Your PSO Registration.
- If you want to read the general steps to registering as a PSO, read How to Become a PSO.